— Board Members —
Senator Peter H. Löffler became the Chairman of the Senate of the European Board of Trade on January 2009.
He is President of ITC at Salzburg, Austria. Within his profession as a President he is trading in major projects of ITC for public and private sectors.
As a former Member of the German Bundestag (House of Representatives), Senator Bernd Heynemann became the Vice-Chairman of the Senate of the European Board of Trade on November 2009.
He was Member of the German Bundestag (House of Representatives) and represents the CDU (Christian Democratic Party). He is also Regional Executive of this Party and is a Member of Landtag (Regional Parliament) in Saxony-Anhalt since 21st April 2015.
Dkfm. DDr.techn. hc. Peter de Heidendorf MBA became the Head of Bureau Liaison and the Head of Administration Office West Europe of the European Board of Trade on January 2014.
For many years, Mr. de Heidendorf hold a visiting professorship in Riga (LV) and subsequently in Arad (RO). Furthermore, he is still active in several board functions.
Senator Vladimirs de Starcevs became Head of Administration Office East Europe of the European Board of Trade on January 2014.
As lawyer he is owner of “Starcevs and Partner Law Office” at Riga, Latvia. Within his profession as lawyer he is consulting in major projects of EBT for public and private sectors.
Senator Dr.habil. Sc. Ing. Igor Kabashkin became the Head of Contact of the European Board of Trade on January 2005.
He is the Latvian Member of the European Commission COST (European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) Technical Committee on Transport since 1999 till today. Also Member of Joint OECD/ECMT Transport Research Committee (OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, ECMT – European Conference of Ministers of Transport) since 2003 till today.
Senator Claude Kox became the Head of Research Office of the European Board of Trade on January 2009.
He is General Director of the Research Office in Luxembourg, also at the Security Agency (ESA) and he is responsible for all matters of official security reasons and innovative technical development.